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Can I Leave the Scene of a Car Accident if There Are No Injuries?

Sep 30, 2024 | Auto Accident


According to the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute, more than 200,000 car accidents occur in the Hoosier State each year. About 363,000 people are involved in these accidents, which lead to over 900 deaths and nearly 50,000 injuries annually.

These statistics suggest that, while Indiana endures its fair share of car accidents every year, many of them don’t cause injuries or deaths. It might make you wonder, “Can I leave the scene of a car accident if there are no injuries?”

An experienced car accident lawyer will answer this question with a simple “No!” You shouldn’t leave the scene of a car accident, even if no one was hurt during it and very little property damage occurred.

What Can Happen If You Leave the Scene of a Car Accident Too Soon

If you leave the scene of a car accident without stopping, any car accident lawyer will tell you your crash could qualify as a hit-and-run accident. The Indiana Criminal Justice Institute reports that, unfortunately, hit-and-run accidents make up about 14% of all the accidents in the state each year.

If you’re ever arrested for your role in a hit-and-run accident, it could lead to you facing a Class A misdemeanor charge that can subject you to penalties like one year in prison and a $5,000 fine. However, it could also lead to more serious felony charges if you cause others to sustain injuries or death and don’t stop.

You may, for example, face a level 4 felony charge if someone suffers a catastrophic injury or death. This could send you to jail for up to 12 years and hand you a fine of up to $10,000.

These are, of course, extreme cases involving hit-and-run accidents and not your ordinary, run-of-the-mill fender-benders. Still, staying at the scene of a car accident, even when it doesn’t involve injuries, is the only surefire way to avoid hit-and-run charges. An Indiana car accident attorney can explain more about this charge. 

What To Do in the Aftermath of a Car Accident

Leaving the scene of a car accident prematurely in Indiana is never a smart idea. Instead, take these steps to ensure you don’t break any laws:

  1. Call 911 and let an operator know about your accident.
  2. Check to see if you were injured during an accident or if others sustained injuries.
  3. Speak with the police about your accident.
  4. Exchange auto insurance information with other drivers.
  5. Seek medical attention (even if you don’t feel hurt right away).

From there, it would be wise to call a local car accident lawyer to discuss your case. Do it even before you decide to call your auto insurance company to begin filing an accident claim.

When To Hire a Car Accident Lawyer Following a Crash

If you ever make the mistake of leaving the scene of a car accident — with or even without injuries — hire a car accident lawyer. They can try to help you steer clear of the serious hit-and-run charges you might face.

A lawyer can also help you take advantage of the uninsured motorist coverage that comes with many auto insurance policies if someone else hit you and fled the scene of your crash. They can determine liability in your car crash and help you file a car accident lawsuit against another driver in certain instances.

Contact Us To Discuss Your Case With a Trusted Car Accident Lawyer

Being involved in a car crash can shake you to your core. Let a car accident lawyer from Stewart & Stewart Attorneys analyze your case and provide the legal guidance you need as you seek to file a compensation claim. Reach out to us at (317) 537-9616 to schedule a consultation.

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