Data indicates that an estimated 1.7 million Americans suffer traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) each year. Roughly 800,000 of these injuries require medical treatment, prompting many to work towards finding better ways to treat TBIs. The Indianapolis Brain Injury Lawyers with Stewart & Stewart Attorneys explain a new study shows getting plenty of cognitive rest may be the key to a swift recovery from concussions and other TBIs.
Dr. William P. Meehan III, director of the Micheli Center for Sports Injury Prevention in Waltham, Massachusetts, was in charge of the research being conducted on a group of 335 children who had suffered a brain injury. Data collected over a period of several weeks determined those who were cognitively engaged in behaviors such as playing video games, doing homework, or sending and receiving text messages, had slower recovery times than those who got more cognitive rest.
According to an article from Reuters, children who engaged in less cognitive activity following their actions recovered from their injuries in roughly 20 days, while those who were highly cognitively engaged required up to 100 days to fully heal.
The research supports typical treatment of complete cognitive rest for a TBI victim for a period of three to five days.
The law firm’s team of Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyers recognizes how difficult it can be to recover from a TBI, and they are here to help anyone who has suffered such a head injury through no fault of their own.